Kimberly Clark

Kimberly Clark, like all retail brands, has as its core business dealing with promotions to create loyal customers. Tired of having to change their software supplier every promotion, problems with delays and quality, they went in search of a company to solve these pains by developing an official Kimberly Clark system.


We created an innovative incentive campaign with Danone (Aptanutri) through a personalized experience for customers who registered their purchases.

Senior Concierge

After the growth in services and large-scale billing, there was also an increase in more manual and repetitive work.


Together with Uqbar we have built a leading platform in the structured finance market, bringing the company's vision closer to reality: to be a link between institutions, professionals and data in the securitization market.


In partnership with ZRP, Torqi was able to fulfill its mission, raising R$60 million to democratize access to credit in the transport market.