
To make life easier for creditors, solve problems faced by protest registries and simplify the process for banks and debtors, INEO turned to ZRP to help build the Resolve Platform.

Our contributions

During development, we contributed significantly to QA, the development of new software and the creation of a hub for integrating services via API.



Nov/23 - Dec/23

We started with a detailed analysis of the existing architecture, which allowed us to move quickly into the development phase with confidence and precision. As an essential part of our Core Business, we ensured maximum quality by integrating QA right from the start, in the mapping and design of the architecture. With this solid foundation, we launched new services within the Resolve system, such as Resolve Creditor, Resolve Notary and the Resolve HUB, which allows seamless integration via API. All this to ensure that the platform meets the most demanding needs of the market.


We are driving INEO to build a platform that transforms the experience of creditors, especially banks, while streamlining processes for notaries and debtors.

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